Lose Fat Keep Muscle

Most people think that if they do some weight lose exercise, they will also lose their muscles. This is never true because fat and muscle are not the same. You can also lose muscles when trying to lose weight if you are not doing it the wrong way.
Below are some ways in which you can experience muscle loss during weight loss programs:
1. Weight training: This helps for easy loss of body fat, but if you do it too often without allowing your muscle to rest, your will experience muscle loss. You must rest for 24 hours after each weight training routine to allow your body to rest, else you will continue to injure your muscle and allow no time for healing and growth.
2. Eating a wrong diet: A good diet that supports weight loss and body building should consist of 60 percent protein, 20 percent carbohydrate, 5 percent fat and 15 percent of vitamins and minerals. If you avoid any of the above mentioned food nutrient, you may begin to experience loss of muscles. Also if you eat too much of any of the above food nutrient, you will find it very difficult to lose weight.
3. Doing Exercises with a wrong posture: This is one of the main reason why most muscle builders find it difficult to build their muscles even with all the time them spend on routines. If you want to become a successful muscle builder, you must learn how to do your routines in the right position. As a beginner get the assistance of an expert Muscle Building trainer and learn the right posture slowly.
4. Decrease in Body Metabolism: One of the major catalysts in losing body fat and building huge muscles is increasing your body metabolism rate. This is why it is recommended to drink lots of water when undergoing weight lose or a Muscle Building programs.
5. Eating of Processed foods: Processes foods also know as junk foods are not good for your body as they contain so many chemicals which are used as preservatives, these chemicals helps to increase your body fat. Most people are overweight all over the world because they always eat junk foods. They eat processed foods because they are too lazy to prepare their meals or they don't have much time for cooking. If you want to lose weight, it is recommended that you spend some time to prepare your meals yourself.
If you need more free information and tips on Weight lose [http://www.waystoslimdown.info], browse through my website on [http://www.waystoslimdown.info] and also subscribe to my daily updates.

Weight Losing Tips For a Healthier Body

What you must understand when you're trying to lose weight is that it is not something to be rushed. This is because your body prefers slow transformations when it comes to the food it takes and the exercise it receives. For instance, if you have not stretched your muscles for a long time, you should not strain them by taking up heavy routines right away. You're likely to hurt yourself and lose your motivation in the end. 

The same thing can happen if you restrict yourself too much from eating certain foods in the hope of lowering your calorie intake. To be successful in losing weight, you need to look at some realistic weight losing tips and follow them consistently.
Just because you're trying to lose weight doesn't mean you need less energy than your body is used to. Your body obtains energy from food. The remaining energy that is not used up is stored away as fat. Therefore, if you eat excessively, more than your daily recommended serving, you will eventually gain weight. To avoid gaining weight, you need to use up all the energy in your body. This is where weight losing tips become handy as they can give you insights on the effective ways to expend all the stored energy.
The changes that you want to make should be introduced to your body gradually. One extra bite of food a day can make you gain several pounds a year. Cut it out and you're losing those extra pounds, too. That is the basic principle of dieting. Anything extra should be eliminated completely.
 Your attitude towards weight loss should not be temporary. Keep your changed eating habits for the rest of your life. When you have achieved your desired weight, persevere to sustain it eternally. This will let you enjoy a healthy life even during old age.
It might take a while before you see any change in your weight but you'll see the results steadily if you're consistent with your weight loss program. After a month, you might notice a slight loosening of your pants. Keeping your motivation is one of the hardest parts in dieting. 
There will come a time when you feel like giving up and there will be days when you expect to lose weight but find out you put on an extra pound instead. This is as normal as it gets. Don't let this hamper your goal to slim down. Make this a challenge to do better.
Pursuing healthy weight losing tips reduces your waistline as well as the risk of developing certain kinds of diseases. Women who are overweight are prone to developing diabetes while men who are overweight face a high risk of developing heart disease. By losing a few pounds, these people are gradually eliminating the danger of acquiring these debilitating conditions. 
Everybody gains weight as they grow older. This is the law of nature and it's not something you should worry about. What's worrisome is when you gain considerable weight rapidly, especially when you're still young. By taking care of your health right now, you will have a bigger chance of enjoying a healthy life and a fitter body in your later years.
Are you looking for the best realistic weight losing tips [http://www.weightlosingtips.net/]? Visit [http://www.weightlosingtips.net/] today for more information!

Do You Feel Like You Can't Lose Weight?

The problem may be in your subconscious mind.

The mind is a powerful tool. Most of us go through life never learning how to use this tool to our advantage and get anything we desire. Up until recently I was in that most of us group. Then I began to learn how the mind works and how to use that to my advantage.

You see your mind is divided into two sections. The one you are aware of is the conscious mind, the one you are not aware of, but is always working, is the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is telling your lungs to breath, and your heart to pump etc. That is not all it does. It contains a lot more programming. That programming has a huge affect on what you think of yourselves and your automatic responses.

Let's take a deeper look into the difference between your conscious and your subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is what you use to reason. If someone tells you something like the world is flat, you would most likely say they were wrong.

That is because you have the ability to think and reason. You can accept or reject what you are told because of your conscious mind. If someone tells you something about yourself that is not true, you can ignore it and go on. Your subconscious mind contains ideas, and beliefs that you don't question. Why does this happen?

Let's go back to the beginning. When you were born you only had a subconscious mind. You were on auto pilot. As you begin to grow you learned to understand language. Everything you were told you believed. Slowly your conscious mind began to form and you began to reason.

After you learned your colors maybe someone told you the sky was green, and you said that they were wrong, the sky was blue. You were learning to reason. Somewhere around the age of 8 your conscious brain was completely formed. Until that happened, everything you were told about yourself and the world around you went into your subconscious mind, wrong or right. It will stay there until you choose to replace it with different information.

Wrong information in your subconscious mind may be the reason why you feel like you can't lose weight. That means it is time to reprogram. The first step is to be willing to reprogram your subconscious. The second is to believe you can. The third step is to take action. Begin your reprogramming by paying attention to your thoughts about weight loss. Then write down the thoughts you would like to have. For example, losing weight is easy. Or, I enjoy eating foods that are healthy for my body and they help me weigh ________.
Fill in the blank with your desired weight. Make sure what you write down has only words reflecting what you want. Avoid writing anything that you don't want. Writing your affirmations is your first step to losing weight and replacing that feel like you can't lose weight mind set.

Are you tired of feeling like you can't lose weight? Remember the three steps. 1. Reprogram your mind. 2. Believe in yourself. 3. Take action [http://www.stripthatfatmamasway.com]!
To your success and happiness.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Daneece_Hernandez/326630

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2528506

You Can Begin Losing Weight Now - Do You Know This?

The only thing out there that is stopping you from losing weight is your own inaction, in the great country of America, more than half of the population of people are either obese or borderline obese. Perhaps it is time for the people to recognise that it is in their best interests to lose some weight. You can start losing weight immediately.

Some of the effects of being obese are as follows:

  • Heart disease, an alarming amount of the cases of heart disease are a product of being overweight, this alone should be enough of an incentive to lose weight.
  • Clogged arteries, they restrict the flow of blood around the body, it also stresses the heart as it has to work harder to move the blood around the body, which can be dangerous as a plentiful flow of blood is needed for the organs and the muscles.
  • The joints of the bones can be put under excess stress and suffer damage as a result, it wears down the cartilage and the fluid on the knees which can contribute to arthritis and pain.

So how can you begin to lose weight right now?

By changing the way that you think and you live your life, your eating habits, and your sleeping habits.
  • Try to avoid eating foods with a high concentration of saturated fats, the body finds these difficult to digest.
  • Do not worry about eating large amounts of calories, as the body will get used to the amount of calories you feed it, so it doesn't matter.
  • Drink water, this helps the body absorb and digest fat.
Recommended by the author Simple weight loss step by step [http://www.howtolooseweight.me.uk]
Weight loss advisor
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/James_Eccles/131534

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2077394

Why You Can't Lose Weight: The First Step For Weight Loss Success

Wondering why you can't lose weight? Jumping from diet to diet without getting results? It could be that you have missed this essential step to weight loss success.


Before you choose a diet and exercise plan to reach weight loss success you need to decide why you want to lose weight. Without a compelling 'why', your biggest obstacle will be following through.

I coach all kinds of people who offer a variety of reasons they have decided to lose weight. My successful clients always have rock-solid reasons for getting started with a weight loss program. At the same time the ones who have short-range goals, like looking good for an upcoming special occasion like a reunion or wedding, often have a long list of excuses why the plan isn't working.

Two recent examples include a 60 year-old architect and a 25 year-old bride to-be.
Like many Americans these days, the architect is nowhere near being able to retire and his work schedule requires him to travel about two weeks out of every month. He did not need a weight loss coach to tell him that he needed to make some changes since his clothes no longer fit.

The bride to be was ordering an expensive, hand-made dress for her wedding and wanted to pare down fast for her first fitting.

The architect had a compelling reason to get a handle on his weight: His family livelihood rests on his shoulders and he was smart enough to recognize that his obesity was hampering his productivity.
We laid out a plan and he stuck to it despite the challenges of not being home half of the month or the obligation he had to frequently dine with customers.
Within two months he had lost over 30 pounds and had eased into a maintenance schedule to manage his healthy weight.
He was thrilled that everything from his work production to his golf game was better at his ideal weight.
The bride to be struggled right out of the gate. Snacks at work and rich dinners with her girlfriends were too much temptation and she never found the motivation to get the results she desired. She blamed the plan we set up (even though she didn't follow it) and gave up after a couple of weeks.
Not sure how the dress fitting turned out.

Focusing on a short-term goal is not always bad or the reason you can't lose weight. Many clients start with weight loss goal like that only to become so excited about how much better they feel after their weight loss success that they expand their vision to include longer-term reasons.

Without commitment, things like a hectic work schedule or family obligations derail a healthy weight loss plan almost immediately. Skipping workouts or having lunch with customers or friends become reasons you can't lose weight.

Lasting weight loss requires commitment to a healthy lifestyle. As we age it's easier to gain the weight and requires more effort to lose it and if we don't change our habits then our habits will change us.
Your weight loss success is more likely when you have a firm commitment to the benefits you'll reap when you make the healthy changes.

Tom Bradley lives in Provo, Utah and came to wellness and weight loss out of necessity but has hung around from passion. Tom's straight-ahead approach to wellness and nutrition to promote weight management and healthy aging is the simple solution for the trend of growing world obesity and chronic illness.

Want help losing weight? Subscribe to Tom's Easy Diet Coach Newsletter and get a FREE Body Composition Analysis and Wellness Evaluation for a successful launch of your last "diet" at EasyDietCoach.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Tom_Bradley/628344

How to Increase Bench Press ?

In the event you need to move forward after having some strength training, you'll be thinking of ways to how to increase the bench press (BP) weight that you can take.Personal trainers use numerous various exercises on different kinds of equipment, but you'll also be using exercises like bench presses, which are the mainstay of numerous weight training programs.
You might use other exercises like Bosu ball bench presses and balance board push-ups, to gain more muscle mass and build up your strength. The old-school exercises sometimes still beat out the newer exercises, although your personal trainer might include some of both in the program.
You might have been working with a number of old and new-style exercises, but one of your questions is how to increase bench press performance. The overhead press can be a classic exercise that can assist develop up your strength level, but it is not done as frequently as the classic BP.
Probably the most popular press variation is the BP which involves your pectoral muscles.You'll be able to use extra time on the overhead press to get your strength to a point where you are able to increase the weight you might be bench pressing. By focusing in this way, you are able to help your traps, triceps and delts to become bigger and stronger, which can lead to a point in which you know where to improve the weight on your BP.
You'll be able to drop the bench press out of your routine occasionally, and replace it with the overhead press. You are able to still maintain your mind on the BP, and when you return to it, your performance will be far better than it was before.
Overhead presses may possibly be performed in different ways, making use of a barbell or dumbbells. These exercises can be done although standing or seated.It'll give you more exercise if you're going to exercise while standing.The standing front overhead press is the classic version, and it is one uncomplicated way that leads to how to increase BP weight. The barbell is held in front of the head, and pressed overhead right up until your elbows are straight.
You'll be able to as well perform an overhead press with the weight behind your neck. As you see with the Olympic back squats, you'll be able to rest the bar on your trap muscle.You will press the bar overhead and then put it back to your upper back.
The standing Bradford press can be a simple mixture of the behind the neck and the front presses. You should press the bar right above your head and afterwards bring it down to your upper back.Then you will press the weight to a level above your head, before you bring it back down to the front of your body. You'll know how to increase BP once you have successfully performed these presses.
You'll be able to use some of these overhead presses during your training in replacement of the bench presses.You will be very happy with your muscle and strength gains, and they will make the original bench press exercises more simple for you to perform.
For more information about this, check out How to Increase Bench Press. And to get some great fitness advice I recommend you going to Fitness Advice.

Top 3 Best Female Exercises For Weight Loss

All exercises help for both sexes, however, there are certain exercises that will be more effective for women than men, let's be honest - men and women have completely different body types for the most part - so why should they have the same work out.
Learn how you can work out easier and more enjoyable and increase weight loss substantially - who said weight loss had to be hard?
#3 - Jump Roping, Plyo Jumps
Not everybody has a jump rope on them right now, but a jump rope can be one of the best weight loss exercises because you use your arms, your calfs, legs, and explosive movements. People who jump rope tend to break a sweat rather quickly, so why not start today and start jumping rope!
Plyo Jumps are good to, depending on how you do them, they are like jump roping because they force you to do explosive movements. Try putting 8 objects vertically aligned and 1 meter apart from each other. They do not have to be tall objects, but you will want to jump in the space between them with your knees to your chest.
This is a great work out that some of the best and in shape actors use to get in excellent shape for their next movie.
#2 - Interval Workouts Atleast Twice a Week
What are interval work outs? Running or Jogging up the stairs and walking down. It's hard going up, but it's extremely easy and rewarding once you go down, you want to keep doing this and it should not last any longer than 20 minutes - 15-20 minutes of this is a great work out.
Do not think you have to be out there for an hour, and remember, the hardest part is the first several days, because it gets easier and easier as your body becomes accustomed to it!
#1 - Best Work Out
There are many things you can do, but you want to make sure it's enjoyable. If you like doing any of the work outs on here, then it should be your top work out - especially if you can see yourself doing it for 30-60 minutes at a time.
It doesn't have to be hard either. It just has to be something in which you will break a sweat. If you like any sport including volleyball, basketball, swimming, and can do it for an hour, then do it!
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