Top 3 Best Female Exercises For Weight Loss

All exercises help for both sexes, however, there are certain exercises that will be more effective for women than men, let's be honest - men and women have completely different body types for the most part - so why should they have the same work out.
Learn how you can work out easier and more enjoyable and increase weight loss substantially - who said weight loss had to be hard?
#3 - Jump Roping, Plyo Jumps
Not everybody has a jump rope on them right now, but a jump rope can be one of the best weight loss exercises because you use your arms, your calfs, legs, and explosive movements. People who jump rope tend to break a sweat rather quickly, so why not start today and start jumping rope!
Plyo Jumps are good to, depending on how you do them, they are like jump roping because they force you to do explosive movements. Try putting 8 objects vertically aligned and 1 meter apart from each other. They do not have to be tall objects, but you will want to jump in the space between them with your knees to your chest.
This is a great work out that some of the best and in shape actors use to get in excellent shape for their next movie.
#2 - Interval Workouts Atleast Twice a Week
What are interval work outs? Running or Jogging up the stairs and walking down. It's hard going up, but it's extremely easy and rewarding once you go down, you want to keep doing this and it should not last any longer than 20 minutes - 15-20 minutes of this is a great work out.
Do not think you have to be out there for an hour, and remember, the hardest part is the first several days, because it gets easier and easier as your body becomes accustomed to it!
#1 - Best Work Out
There are many things you can do, but you want to make sure it's enjoyable. If you like doing any of the work outs on here, then it should be your top work out - especially if you can see yourself doing it for 30-60 minutes at a time.
It doesn't have to be hard either. It just has to be something in which you will break a sweat. If you like any sport including volleyball, basketball, swimming, and can do it for an hour, then do it!
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