Are You Making These Health and Fitness Mistakes?

You read every health magazine avidly, watch for the latest diets and feel guilty every time you binge on those sweets! But are you making any of these health mistakes made by thousands across the country?

• Avoiding Exercise...Or Food! - There's no 2 ways about it! You need BOTH in order to be fit. If you consume high calorie 'empty foods', all the exercises in the world won't help you!! The logic is simple- you need to burn off enough calories if you want to be fit- and you can't do that if you are bingeing on those pastries, colas and high calorie salad dressings!

Similarly, exercising like a maniac, without taking in the right amount of nutrition can be disastrous for your body! It can lead to extreme fatigue, muscle loss and even a shutting off of basic body activities!
Get smart- exercise in moderation and get adequate nutrition-that is the best way to look good and feel great!

• Not Looking After Your Mental Health- you've heard this since childhood- a healthy mind is at least 70% of a healthy body! A stressed out or depressed mind can wreck havoc with your body- and all your diet plans may go haywire! The best way to deal with this? Spend more time with family and friends; keep at least an hour aside for yourself every day. Read books, listen to music or just take a walk around the neighborhood. This will help you relax and perform better every day!

Don't have time to spare? Try incorporating things you like into your work. For instance-play music while you are attending to housework, take a fifteen minute break from that file and read something you like or just take a stroll around the garden! These are tiny but effective ways to de stress yourself!

Don't make these health mistakes and you'll have a long and healthy life!

John M Olson is an avid web designer and publisher. Come visit his latest website about Awning Annexe [] as well as the new colorful web site about Brandy Glasses [].
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